QSAN Cache-to-Flash Module - Super Capacitor
Price: 797.00 USD w/o VAT
956.40 USD with VAT
SSD cache is a large-capacity secondary cache that uses enterprise SSD drives positioned between the RAID controller's primary DRAM memory cache and hard disk drives (HDD). SSD read/write cache boosts random IOPS of read and write I/O for the system by copying frequently accessed random data to SSD drives, which are faster than HDDs. Therefore increasing the overall random IOPS and lowering the costs by using only few SSD drives. With this technology, QCache 2.0 can improve random read performance by up to 92 times and random write by up to 171 times. SSD drives also provide a much larger, scalable cache than the memory. SSD cache is a feature available on XCubeSAN series and requires license to activate.
Price: 1127.04 USD w/o VAT
1352.45 USD with VAT