Европейската програма Конкурентоспособност
Евперативна програма - Иновации и конкурентоспособност 2014-2020
Избор на изпълнител/и за надграждане на съществуваща ERP система с модули с нови функционалности
Европейски фонд за регионално развитие


     When buy a server you will receive one month grace period upon signing a one-year contract in one of the largest hosting centers in Bulgaria - TELEPOINT. More information about the center you can find at web page of company TELEPOINT

  - first month is free of charge
  - Connectivity = 1Mbps Internet + 99Mbps BG peering
  - Internet connectivity supplier selection can address inquiries directly to the supplier or the assistance of our representative or call +359 882 961 577

More information about the TELEPOINT's Center for collocation
     TELEPOINT is a new neutral collocation center, equipped with high-tech systems designed to meet the requirements of the highest level in accordance with global standards. Data Center is located in downtown and this is Peering in the city (of Bulgaria, respectively). Strategically located neutral collocation center, coupled with strong financial support from the European Investment Fund with a strategic interest in the Bulgarian telecommunications market, allow us to provide world-class services and support at competitive prices. The facilities are maintained on-site by trained engineers through Control Center, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year. Best combination of facilities and staff allow us to provide high quality services. When the interruption of services is not acceptable, fully booked TELEPOINT neutral collocation center is the perfect place for your business critical applications and hardware.

Services offered by TELEPOINT and PERSY
  - Collocation
  - Individual unlimited Internet connectivity up to 10Gbps
  - 24x7 Support Engineer
  - 24x7x365 On-site technical support
  - Cabling - Direct optical and copper connectivity to the Internet and Cable Providers or to other customers TELEPOINT will pass through designated Meet Me Rooms. MMRs and all cable trays are highly reliable as cabling and connectivity are extensively tested before being put into use. TELEPOINT administers all cables and connections and provides engineering assistance to resolve any problems.

     Pre-Cabling options: Fibers Multi-Mode, Fibers Single-Mode, Copper pairs Other Interconnect & Connectivity to third parties - TELEPOINT Carrier Neutral Data Center provide all customers the opportunity to have full and free connections to third parties. 

Lowest prices for cross-connect! 

     Peering & Internet Exchange - Peering is a business arrangement between operators to exchange access to their networks to enable countries to save money for their IP-transit. Peering can be done through direct connection or via Internet Exchange.

For more information, please contact us.

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Persy Ltd. is working with quality management ISO 9001:2008
Certificate Number: 90810529

prices are calculated with rate 1.50 BGL for USD